"But I can’t help wondering if this play is proof that the theatre world, too, operates within a hermetically sealed value system that has drifted far away from the world of the ordinary citizen. A talented young writer of promise who didn’t buy into the dominant ideologies simply wouldn’t be able to follow the same development path that Zain did. " Pretty much. This lifelong theatre fan has given up for now. Just all so trite, so boring, so mindlessly preachy and deeply hypocritical. Well done, Liz. Great post.

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I came across your article and decided to click on it. You lost me at "wildly unsubstantiated alleged brutalities of Oct 7th". The brutalities are hardly unsubstantiated. There are countless videos that one can watch... not taken by the IDF, but disseminated by Hamas themselves. For that reason alone, I stopped reading. Not because I'm a huge supporter of Israel but because you knowingly made a factually inaccurate statement that shows a clear bias on your part. I didn't care to read any further about a subjective critique when you don't have the ability to be objective when facts are involved.

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There was at least one unsubstantiated brutality. The British press made a great thing of decapitated babies but they never made that story stand up.

Obviously brutalities were committed and documented. But some other widely shared stories make one concerned for the interior lives of those who invented them.

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The mark of the ideologue in writing is that they communicate in order to tell you which group they are in. They are not chiefly trying to provoke a reflection on a subject.

On a particularly bad day, their intellect services a deliberate attempt to distract you, from their lack of care, courage and curiosity. It comes from a ( understandable but misguided ) lack of optimism about the positive power of truth.

Liz's perceptive reviews dig deep into her considerable life experience, and she reflects with uncommon, originality, intelligence and integrity. I find her writing refreshing and deep.

It is always an authentic attempt to position her self authentically It is always based on her best attempt to apply her moral capacity, to the bewilderingly contradictory array of events, that is a life in our current times.

Right now, we need this kind of writing. It can invite clear well expressed objections as well as agreement.

We shouldn't look to good writing to provide a detailed and absolute guide to all the answers. It should create a better lit space in which the right answers might be reflected upon.

The mark of the ideologue in writing is that they communicate in order to tell you which group they are in. They are not chiefly trying to provoke a reflection on a subject.

Their intellect services a deliberate attempt to distract you, from their lack of care, courage and curiosity. It comes from a ( understandable but misguided ) lack of optimism about the positive power of truth.

Liz's perceptive reviews dig deep into her considerable life experience, and she reflects with uncommon, originality, intelligence and integrity. I find her writing refreshing and deep.

It is always an authentic attempt to position her self authentically It is always based on her best attempt to apply her moral capacity, to the bewilderingly contradictory array of events, that is a life in our current times.

Right now, we need this kind of writing. It can invite clear well expressed objections as well as agreement.

We shouldn't look to good writing to provide a detailed and absolute guide to all the answers. It should create a better lit space in which the right answers might be reflected upon.

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So good you said it twice! Thank you. There are days when it's hard and I need encouragement.

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